Derek Williams: murdered by police

Yet another young black person has been murdered by the police in the US.

Submitted by Redwinged Blackbird on October 11, 2012

On July 6, 2011 Derek Williams was beaten by Milwaukee Police after being accused of robbery, and left in the back of their squad car to die. The police stated to the public that his death was of natural causes, despite his young age of 22. Last week the Milwaukee Journal released a video taken in the back of the car showing undoubtedly that Derek was murdered, as he gasped for air and was mocked by his arresting officer until the moment of his death. The agonizing last minutes of his life and the subsequent reaction by police are all captured on tape and has finally been made public in an attempt by his family to get some sort of justice for his murder.

At this point demonstrations are being planned for Saturday October 13th and details will be made available as soon as possible. Please come to Milwaukee if you don’t already live here to support the efforts, or take action in your city to echo the devastation that this killing and every other killing by the police has caused. As anarchists it is imperative to respond with utmost vehemence and rage each and every time the police murder someone down.

Here is a link to the shortened video:


and the full length video can be viewed on the tmj4 website.

*This video is utterly horrifying to watch, but Derek’s family wants as many people to see it as possible.

[from @news:]


Redwinged Blackbird

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Redwinged Blackbird on October 11, 2012

herrs the facespace:

Redwinged Blackbird

12 years 5 months ago

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Submitted by Redwinged Blackbird on October 11, 2012

I guess they are saying his neck was broken by police when they beat him. Fucking pigs.