First and only issue of this journal published by Jonathan Horelick, a former member of the American section of the Situationist International.

“The rational is the highroad where everyone travels and no one is conspicuous.”
-- Friedrich Hegel
ANTI-COPYRIGHT: All texts published in “Diversion” can be freely reproduced, translated or adapted without even indicating their origin.
- The Poverty Of Ecology
- News of Disalienation
- Twilight of Idle
- Views From Near And Afar
- The Shattering of Bureaucratic Power in Poland
- Notice to the Civilized - Raoul Vaneigem
The Practice of the Truth
- The Crisis of the Situationist International
- North American Ideologies
- Publications and Activities
- Some Traditional Writings
- Now Diversion
I own a copy of that. < : )
I own a copy of that. < : )
petey wrote: I own a copy of…
Looks like a very nifty cover!
petey wrote: I own a copy of…
Nice! It would be good to have a scan of the actual thing here if you are that way inclined...
Steven. wrote: petey wrote:…
mine's not quite that bright, but that is the color!
Fozzie wrote: petey wrote: I…
i know i have it but i need to find it. i would be inclined tho'.
Awesome :)
Awesome :)