12 Rules for WHAT sit down with Joshua Citarella to discuss his research into online radicalisation, the far right's own personal hamster wheels, and the question of the final meme of all. Copied to clipboard 12 Rules For WHAT · 40 - Online radicalisation and memes w/ Joshua Citarella Book traversal links for E40: Online radicalisation and memes w/ Joshua Citarella E39: QAnon and anti-lockdown in the UK Up E41: The History of Nazi Ecologism W/ Peter Staudenmaier Printer-friendly version fascism social media 12 Rules For What Internet anti-fascism Comments
E41: The History of Nazi Ecologism W/ Peter Staudenmaier Sam goes through the history of Nazi ecologism with its most prominent historians: Peter…
E43: Facts Don't Care About Your (fascist) Feelings In this episode we talk about feelings, not our own feelings but fascist ones.
E03: All About Steve (Tommy Robinson) We discuss the UK's leading far right activist, Tommy Robinson, and are joined for an interview by two members of London Antifascists.
E14: Alt Right Radicalisation with Emerican Johnson 12 Rules for WHAT discuss the processes of radicalisation developed by the alt right and interview youtuber Emercian Johnson on edgy memes and…
Swinging Pendulum: A Discussion on Corporate Social Media, Deplatforming and the Liberal Security State A discussion on the silencing of far right platforms and accounts, how similar…
E04: Neofascism 12 Rules for What discuss the concept of neo-fascism as a political label and tool of analysis.