Kautsky's book-length introduction to concepts in Marx's first volume of Capital. Copied to clipboard Attachments economic_doctrines_marx.pdf (3.86 MB) Karl Marx Karl Kautsky capitalism PDF Comments
Exploring Marx's Capital - Jacques Bidet This volume, originally published in French under the title 'Que faire du Capital?', offers a new interpretation of Marx’s great work. It shows…
Wage-labour and capital - Karl Marx - audiobook Orignally written as a series of newspaper articles in 1847, Wage-Labour and Capital was intended to give a short overview, for popular…
The anti-capitalist revolution in the west - Amadeo Bordiga In this concise1953 programmatic text presented at the Genoa Meeting of the International Communist…
Dunglaboro kaj Kapitalo: Karlo Markso Artikolo pri la rilato inter laboro kaj kapitolo en klaso socio.
Kapitalo: Karlo Markso La Kapitalo: Kritiko de la politika ekonomio Unua volumo Libro I: La produktadprocezo de la kapitalo Monda
Representing Capital - Fredric Jameson Representing Capital, Fredric Jameson's first book-length engagement with Marx's magnum opus, is a unique work of scholarship that records the…