Issue 15 of Anti-Fascist Action's Fighting Talk magazine. Special issue on the Spanish Civil War / Revolution. Author Anti Fascist Action (AFA) Copied to clipboard Contents In The Area - AFA news from around the UK No Middle Ground - speech from AFA rally. Obituary - Mickey Fenn Levelling The Score - football Reviews A View From Valhalla (Blood & Honour and Combat 18 roundup) Letters Behind Enemy Lines (BNP/NF overview) Another Spain... The Connolly Column - International Brigades veteran Mick O'Riordan The People Armed - The role of women in the Spanish Revolution Forgotten Heroes - The Spanish contribution to WWII resistance The Rattle Of The Thompson Gun - post-war resistance to Franco. Merchandise Attachments FIGHTING_TALK_15.pdf (4.35 MB) Another Spain Mick O'Riordan: The Connolly Column The People Armed: The Role of Women in the Spanish Revolution 1939-1945: Spanish Resistance in France Armed resistance to Franco, 1939-1965 - Antonio Téllez Book traversal links for Fighting Talk 15 (November 1996) Arditi del Popolo - The First Anti-Fascists Up Another Spain Printer-friendly version Spain Comments So this article here is So this article here is originally from the issue of Fighting Talk above I've bunged a link in from I've bunged a link in from the contents list. If it had been a library article I would have added it as a sub page but it's in history so perhaps there is the potential of opening up a black hole that will rapidly consume all life as we know it.
I've bunged a link in from I've bunged a link in from the contents list. If it had been a library article I would have added it as a sub page but it's in history so perhaps there is the potential of opening up a black hole that will rapidly consume all life as we know it.
Another Spain AFA introduction to a series of articles on the Spanish Civil War in its magazine Fighting Talk #15 (1996)
Mick O'Riordan: The Connolly Column Mick O'Riordan was a young member of the Communist Party of Ireland when he went to Spain with the International Brigade. Here he describes the…
Facerias, Jose Lluis, 'Face', 1920-1957 A short biography of Jose Lluis Facerias, 'Face', Spanish anarchist who fought in the Civil War and guerrilla resistance to Franco.
Launed, Felix Carrasquer, 1905-1993 A short biography of Spanish anarchist trade unionist and writer Felix Carrasquer Launed.
Class war in Barcelona - Jean Barrot, 1973 The following text is the translation of a pamphlet of the group Mouvement Communiste, written in 1973 by Jean Barrot (aka Gilles Dauve), as a…
So this article here is
So this article here is originally from the issue of Fighting Talk above
I've bunged a link in from
I've bunged a link in from the contents list.
If it had been a library article I would have added it as a sub page but it's in history so perhaps there is the potential of opening up a black hole that will rapidly consume all life as we know it.