Documentary film that looks at the G20 protest in Toronto

World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit. With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.
The 2010 G-20 Toronto summit protests began one week ahead of the summit of the leaders of the G-20 on 26–27 June in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The protests were for various causes, including poverty and capitalism. Protests mainly consisted of peaceful demonstrations and rallies but some protesters became violent and destructive, using black bloc tactics causing vandalism to several businesses in Downtown Toronto.
While there were no deaths and only three reported injuries, at least 40 shops were vandalised, constituting at least C$750,000 worth of damage. Over 1000 arrests were made, making it the largest number of mass arrest in Canadian history. In the aftermath of the protests, the Toronto Police Service and the Integrated Security Unit (ISU) of the G-20 Toronto summit were heavily criticized for brutality during the arrests and eventually went under public scrutiny by media and human rights activists.