LSG-Gate-Gourmet workers threatened with dismissal as the management attempt to wind the company up demonstrated on Wednesday 4 April.

Many of the 853 workers facing the sack protested outside the company offices before moving to Roissy airport where they protested at the Lufthansa check-in desks, Lufthansa is the former owner of LSG.
Workers attempted to organise a demonstration on Friday at a Sarkozy Rally, however their buses (three on separate routes) were repeatedly pulled over and delayed by the police to prevent them from arriving at the meeting. At one point workers threatened to block the 404 road in order to get police to let them go. They were joined by workers from the bankrupt printers JDC, where 167 face the sack.
Roissy has been the site of several disputes recently with 1000 workers from several firms and belonging to several unions holding a march on April 5th in solidarity with LSG-Gate-Gourmet workers and GSF workers who were sacked for taking strike action.
The following day 500 security staff from the firm ICTS held a one-day strike in support of their claims for higher wages, a 45-minute lunch break, better job prospects, increased staff numbers and more job security. The entire second terminal was shut down with flights also affected at terminal one.