Workers at the Renault factory in Le Mans have been accused by management of sabotaging factory equipment.

The action appears to be a response to the sacking, ten days ago, of five workers for faute grave (gross misconduct). It is unclear how many of the 3000 workers were involved in the action, management has not specified exactly what form the sabotage took. The condemnation of the action by the CFDT union also fails to describe the action.
The union has also criticised workers for drawing swastikas and insults on notice boards at the site. In addition the front of the comité d'entreprise was damaged by a fire started in a neighbouring hedge.
The five workers, two of whom had been working there for 25 years, were sacked after confrontations during a strike against the introduction of flexible working hours. They were accused of carrying out "physical and verbal attacks". The rival CGT union, which organised the strike has denounced the action as excessive and has promised to take action to support the five.