Supply and demand. What comes first? The issue story is primary, not a primitive response like: "If the society needs, we produce» or «We consume because we have that opportunity»

In reality, the process is much more difficult and it`s directly related to the iron tread of industrialism and mass production. But not only because equally important factor is the resistance power and capital of the society. Unable to defeat the power of resistance of workers, as well as wanting to continue to multiply, and to receive and make a profit, the higher social classes were forced to follow the path of moral subordination - of the exploited individual make a kind of "accomplice ", i.e. - the consumer. Consuming person is not inclined to revolt, because he indulges himself by consuming more goods.
Mass production develops for this because it`s impossible to channel public outcry without this. Beginning this process can be traced back to the turnaround 19-20 centuries. Real embodiment of a broad level takes place in the 20-30-ies. The United States and Italy was going to be centers of experiment. In the U.S., this is expressed in particular in the Fordist system of mass car production, calculated on the same mass consumption of manufactured goods: produce more; to consume more to profit grew to less rioted because Riot lowers production, which reduces power consumption, which reduces profits. In Italy, it is the idea of corporate state – pseudo harmony of society and government.
General historical chain builds next.
First, the October Revolution in the sense Myth by Sorel, giving impetus to the world revolutionary movement on the decline of the First World War. Then defeat of the world revolution and the triumph of reaction embodying nightmares Ortega and Gasset relative power of man from the crowd. After that, the Great Depression, against which Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and the United States are democratic in the economic field approximately the same way. USSR is acting in a similar manner with them speaks somewhat apart by virtue of some isolation from world-economy that is a legacy of the devastating effects of the Civil War, as well as tiring of the economy of the Russian Empire with World War.
Contradictions accumulated since World War gradually brought the world to a new massacre that also helped bring the economy of the leading countries of the protracted crisis.
On the decline of the Second World War, it was logical to expect a new revolutionary upsurge. And it had a place to be, but its elements quenching worked two major factors: the negative side of the October myth + unwillingness to return the global revolutionary wave of the upper classes, remember the previous wave. As a result, the mass begins embodiment of the ideas proposed by Keynes. Together, these and some others, in this case, less important factors, enabled rapid channeling and castrate protest. On the one hand this is due the fact that the massive demand for revolution satisfied with negative legacy of October, which was reflected in the focus on totalitarian, state- capitalist model of the USSR issued cynically for socialism that was beneficial to the authorities of the Union and the Western liberal circles: first recruited their supporters worldwide beautiful myth, at the same time with this without giving a real lift his head left ( anarchist ) alternative, which, by virtue of his weakness , that was a consequence of the defeat of the interwar worldwide forces of reaction, could not resist verbally mass propaganda model supporters USSR, speaking to the same " main (and even " left "), winner of fascism" , while the latter recruited its supporters in their countries scaring them the horrors of "real socialism" and "communism", thus showing failure of the left alternative to the existing world order. On the other hand, the people did not aspire to the revolutionary changes in the sense of desire to improve their lives by fighting with power and capital; it is allowed to increase their consumption diet.
As a result, the ideological hegemony of social partnership, based on the Fordist- fascist ethics: mass production for mass consumption + corporate ethics extends in society. Thus consuming person is unnaturally created.
World-System is not just a capitalist, but also corporate.
In this course theoretical model can be perfect only in sterile laboratory conditions. Becomes a symbol of this new revolutionary wave that spread in the 60-ies against the background of seemingly celebrations of consumer society (and the spectacle, which was an important complement to control public sentiment).
Yet it is another story, requiring its detailed consideration.
Here it is necessary only to note finally that all of the above and created our contemporary world is experiencing several decades monstrous economic crash.
Now people began to consume mass because was raised overall quality of life, and the opportunity to not only support it , but every day to "improve " (is in quotes, because, in particular, improved model of anything , this will not improve the standard of living , but no more than the replacement of one of the goods consumed by another transition from television consumption through the purchase of black-and- white TV with one or two channels to consume increasingly sophisticated computer technology - is nothing more than meeting the same needs for different goods consumption spectacle of one model level) . Advertising, fashion and propaganda began to increase the frequency shift shell Item: old model number goes out of fashion and a new one and has many new features, all of which requires its own consumption, to keep pace with the times and keep up with the others, already tasted the new apple Item.
A person consumes, envies, gradually going crazy speeds up the rhythm of their lives, and ... continues to consume.
Well, what would people think of mass kept in the interests of the upper classes he was given two more factors : erasing the boundaries between classes (increase social mobility ) - a person has the illusion that everyone can potentially move from one social class to another , and this manifests itself in the desire to improve their situation (if you try, you just might get lucky you, not the other) , as well as a deterioration ( it makes fear the deterioration of their position, tends to consume more , because it is guaranteed by maintaining the level of demonstration life at the same level , i.e. it is not deteriorating , as well as a basis for improvement ) - and all this in turn contributes to social atomization that appeals to the dark sides of human self , pushing individuals to clamber over the heads of fellow - up from the abyss , as well as from the center to the top of the pyramid with an eye constantly on the pit into which the first shove better neighbor as otherwise he can shove you there ( in the end the consumer paradise place not all is not enough , this cynical truth , many are well aware of ), the second factor is the loan , which was a kind of psychological needle through which the human consumer increases his drug addiction , because even if you cannot afford to consume the desired product ( or service ) , you can consume it on credit (even if you get into a long-term and bondage, but initially it is not obvious, but one-time consumption occurs with bullet spending less money than it would have been without the use of credit availability).
And one more consequence of the foregoing, is essential for understanding the subtleties of the corporate world-system: people consuming looking at the pace of the neoliberal economy in the mass tends not to a radical reorganization of the world, being the most no more than a product of pure theory, but to a desire to return the previous stage of social life - in reality the welfare state.
Slave praises its servile condition, because it guarantees him nourishing food, clothing and shelter, while a radical break system circle threatens march into the unknown.
Snake biting its own tail and looks at ingratiating host awaiting a new bowl with lukewarm soup being greasy.
Author: Andrey Fedorov
Source: Anarcho-punk zine: PunkWay #9, 2014 (full english version)