Glances of soft, grey flesh… - Che Guevara

My English translation from the original of Che Guevara's Motorcycle Diaries where he describes an encounter with a dolphin. This passage has not been included in English translations of the text.

Submitted by Steven. on September 27, 2013

I was hitting the Venezuelan rum hard with my comrade Alberto. A veil of softness came down upon my visions as we walked to the Tucuxi village, the red setting sun mingling sensuously with green Amazonian jungle.

The young, bare-chested Tucuxi boy, Arauquito, told us of how the Yanqui Imperialists came and took the women of the village. No one knows what became of them. We drank more rum, and as night fell all became a blur. Arauquito took us to the river, where the dolphins who became their lovers dwelled. Glances of soft, grey flesh pierced the water, reflecting the moonlight; flicks of spray were dashed by tails.

They were flirting with us, Arauquito, now naked, explained. The water was warm, it washed over me and Alberto like the silk of a woman's nightgown. I thought of Arauquito and the Imperialists who took his woman, as a dolphin brushed against my skin. Arauquito, already thrashing in the water, entwined with a deep grey figure, slowed and looked across at me. Sensing my apprehension, he nodded his permission.

I stripped off my shorts, and gently pulled my aquatic lover into the shallows until she was lying on her side. Her belly facing towards me, half submerged in the water. I nestled myself belly to belly against her, and pressed my member against her sex. She immediately arched her body against mine, and took me inside her body, initiating a quick series of muscular contractions with her muscles. I wrapped my left arm around her body and just held her close while she manipulated me inside her body, until I climaxed barely 2 minutes later. Surprisingly, her body also shuddered against mine, and we spent the next 5 or so minutes just lying together in the shallows, holding each other, enjoying our company and revelling in the fact that we had shared something special together, something very few people can claim to have done, and something the Yanqui running dogs can never take away from us...



Agent of the I…

11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Agent of the I… on September 27, 2013

Poor dolphin.


11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by no1 on September 28, 2013

Why are you putting this fabrication up as if it was genuine? The last paragraph of your "translation" is derived from the 4th last paragraph of this text here: The text by 'Dragon-wolfe Dolphinn' precedes yours by years, so yours came later. The words are 97% identical and in the same order, so it's not translated from Spanish but clearly your own fabrication.
OK, so it's fun trolling Maoists and the idea of deflating the Che personality cult like this is pretty hilarious . But using libcom to spread disinformation and deceiving libcom readers with a crude forgery that can be torn apart with a couple of google searches doesn't seem like a good idea.


11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on September 28, 2013

er I think it's pretty obviously a joke. Does the "photo" look genuine? I can't even speak Spanish, and the "source" I link to at the bottom was my own forum post. But if it's actually not clear this is made up then I will make it clearer


11 years 4 months ago

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Submitted by vicent on September 30, 2013

i would love it if they made that photo into a tshirt

jef costello

10 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by jef costello on March 2, 2014

Noah Fence

10 years 11 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on March 2, 2014

jef costello

While your down there Flipper?!!!


9 years 8 months ago

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Submitted by Hieronymous on June 8, 2015


Why are you putting this fabrication up as if it was genuine? The last paragraph of your "translation" is derived from the 4th last paragraph of this text here: The text by 'Dragon-wolfe Dolphinn' precedes yours by years, so yours came later. The words are 97% identical and in the same order, so it's not translated from Spanish but clearly your own fabrication.
OK, so it's fun trolling Maoists and the idea of deflating the Che personality cult like this is pretty hilarious . But using libcom to spread disinformation and deceiving libcom readers with a crude forgery that can be torn apart with a couple of google searches doesn't seem like a good idea.

Don't take things so literally.

The photoshopped picture isn't even a dolphin. Anyone can tell it's a shark.

EDIT: my bad; I followed a recent link and didn't realize this was from years ago.

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on July 3, 2018

When I first read this years ago I thought it was real. I told my boyfriend and then later a friend about it as if it was true. My friend was very skeptical, and I was like: "No, really, I swear! I read it on libcom!"

Questioning my memory, I reread the article and checked the comments and it's only then I learned it was all just a joke. Man, was I disappointed!

And that's the day I stopped being a Maoist.

But seriously, tho... I really did believe it.

When I spoke to my friend again I had to admit I was wrong -- a grueling ordeal almost as painful as learning the dolphin sex never happened.

Just now I randomly remembered this article and, with my boyfriend sitting beside me looking at his phone, I turn to him and say, "Oh, by the way, Che never fucked a dolphin."

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"But the libcom article....?"

"No, it was just a joke."

"Fuck. I've told that to so many people over the years."

Noah Fence

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on July 3, 2018

I’m interested to know if your friend capitalised on this opportunity to call you a dummy or if they were gracious and kind?

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on July 3, 2018

I can't remember but if they didn't I'm sure I soon gave them another opportunity to do so, probably within the same conversation.


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by birdtiem on July 3, 2018

The problem with this is that you are talking about Amazon river dolphins, which are pink. Pink as the genitals of the white people, pink as the pollution in a Pacific Northwest sunset. Boto. Strange, blind, and pink.

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on July 3, 2018

I just like that because of my trusting nature (nicest way of putting it) there are now several people out there who believe Che fucked a dolphin.

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on July 3, 2018


The problem with this is that you are talking about Amazon river dolphins, which are pink. Pink as the genitals of the white people, pink as the pollution in a Pacific Northwest sunset. Boto. Strange, blind, and pink.

Dayum! Pink, not grey. This glaring inaccuracy should have tipped me off from the start. Now I really do feel dumb.


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by birdtiem on July 3, 2018

Noah Fence

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on July 3, 2018

As many a self help guru has told me, you just have to believe hard enough and anything you want can come true. Come on Libcommers, let’s all believe real hard - what a surprise it will be for our now celestial comrade to suddenly go find himself hanging out the back of a heavenly dolphin!!!

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on July 3, 2018

Bwahahaha! I like that those dolphins look as though they're laughing at my stupid-ass.

Noah Fence -- it's not like I need an excuse to daydream about Che doing it with a dolphin, but maybe I could up my game to a Vision Board?

Noah Fence

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Noah Fence on July 3, 2018

Lucky Black Cat

Noah Fence -- it's not like I need an excuse to daydream about Che doing it with a dolphin, but maybe I could up my game to a Vision Board?

It sounds as though you should be attending The Anarchist Munch - apparently ‘Neptune Play’ is this years big thing. Don’t forget your snorkel!

Lucky Black Cat

6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Lucky Black Cat on July 3, 2018

Yes, wouldn't want to borrow one from someone else. You don't know where those things have been!


6 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Steven. on July 9, 2018

Lucky Black Cat

When I first read this years ago I thought it was real. I told my boyfriend and then later a friend about it as if it was true. My friend was very skeptical, and I was like: "No, really, I swear! I read it on libcom!"

While my translation may not literally be "true", it is definitely true.