Copied to clipboard The Indian Hierarchy: Culture, Ideology and Consciousness in Bengali Village Politics ARILD ENGELSEN RUUD PDF Format Printer-friendly version Subaltern India Bangladesh Asia PDF Comments
Subaltern studies and its critics - Vinay Lal PDF version of the book Subaltern Studies and its Critics: Debates over Indian History by Vinay Lal.
Workers' struggles in Asia (December 2010) Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around Asia (focusing on East Asia) during December 2010 and related resources. The most…
1919-1946: Gandhi and the national liberation of India A critical examination of the 'saint' of non-violence, Mahatma Gandhi, and his role in the …
Sex work organisation in the global south An overview by Gregor Gall of sex workers' organising and unionisation efforts in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
India Toyota workers to launch hunger strike The Toyota Kirloskar Motor Workers' union yesterday announced that its members will begin hunger strikes today (Monday) to win its demands in the dispute which has escalated over the past three weeks with wildcat strikes and large scale arrests.