The October 1921 (Vol. 1, No. 9, Serial No. 9) issue of Industrial Pioneer, a journal produced by the Industrial Workers of the World during the 1920s.

CONTENTS include:
-The iron heel
-To members of the Industrial Workers of the World
-War in West Virginia by Art Shields
-The Negroe workers falls into line by Robert H. Hardoen
-Copper smelting by John Hammer
-Salting down the marine workers by Upton Hold
-An appeal for spokesmen by Robert Grayson
-Brains or brawn by Jim Morris
-"Justice": a bird's eye view
-The Work Peoples College by Rosa Knutti
-Memories by Jaze
-Starving Russia by Ralph Winstead
-Petrograd in July 1921 by Tom Barker
-Mohandas Ghandi and the soul force by P.D.E.
Industrial Pioneer (October 1921).pdf
(5.79 MB)