The September 1921 (Vol. 1, No. 8, Serial No. 8) issue of Industrial Pioneer, a journal produced by the Industrial Workers of the World during the 1920s.

-An Organized Harvest by Wm. Dimmit
-Industrial research
-Economic Determinism by Mary E. Marcy
-Oil and oil workers by Albert Barr
-The American railway industry and its workers by W.J. Lemon
-Revolutions in industrial countries by Charles W. Wood
-Large and small scale agriculture by Wm. Dimmit
-The undoing of capitalist industrial management by Rosa Knuuti
-Industrial democracy by Justus Ebert
-Wowen war and the class struggle by Mabel Kanka
-Tramping the Northwest by G.R.
-Gary, the home of steel and efficiency by The Steel Workers Press Commitee
-Will Europe revert to barbarism by H. Van Dorn
-The labor movement in Greece: a compilation
-The workers of the near east by Joe Marko
-A volunteer on the Siberian front by John Korpi
-Book reviews by Jean Cutner and Art Shields
-Defense news by H.J.
Johnson the Gypo by Ralph Winstead
-At the top of the world by A Rebel Girl
-"I" or "we" by Achef
-Honorably discharged by Jim Seymour
-The winnder by John E. Nordquist
-Civilization by Julia C. Coons