The October 1, 1927 (Vol. IX, No. 39, Whole No. 563) issue of the Industrial Worker, the newspaper of the revolutionary union, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).

Contents include:
-Colorado miners granted wage increase; will confer
-Deportation of all naturalized citizens urged by war veterans
-Fourteen miners held at Cheswick after police raid
-Pullman company makes big profit off porter's tips
-I.W.W. strikes of past show need of watching A.F. of L.
-Editorial: Industrial union and the coal mine workers; Help the Colorado miners win
-Thompson tells need of strikes
-Big crowds hear Buffalo talkers
-How job sharks extort fees from helpless workers
-Phil Engle dies after injury in street accident
-J.P. Thompson tells why I.W.W. is revolutionary
-Italian Wobs to have new office
-Radicalism not confined to any particular class
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