The Volume 1, Number 3 (December 1934) issue of International Council Correspondence. Copied to clipboard CONTENTS -Theses on Bolshevism -What's behind the "New Deal"? Attachments International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 3 (December 1934).pdf (3.47 MB) Book traversal links for International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 3 International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 2 Up International Council Correspondence Volume 1, Number 4 Printer-friendly version Bolsheviks Comments
The Lenin legend - Paul Mattick Council communist Paul Mattick debunks the myth of Lenin and his successors.
Council communism and the critique of Bolshevism - Cajo Brendel Cajo Brendel on council communism and Bolshevism.
International Women's Day - Alexandra Kollontai First published in 1920, this essay traces the history of international women's day and its importance to working class struggle with particular…
Spartakism to National Bolshevism - the KPD 1918-24 - Solidarity An account of the emergence of the KPD (The German Communist Party) in the early days of the German…
A look at Leninism - Ron Taber Published in 1988 this work by Ron Taber takes a critical look at Lenin and the early Bolshevik parties ideology dubbed "Leninism".