Un articulo sobre la legalizacion de la CNT en 1977 de un periodico de la CNT. Copied to clipboard Attachments Scan1786.pdf (1.28 MB) Spain Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) Comments Hope that a united CNT-AIT of Hope that a united CNT-AIT of tens of thousands of members, with active unions and socials would again take hold in Spain.
Hope that a united CNT-AIT of Hope that a united CNT-AIT of tens of thousands of members, with active unions and socials would again take hold in Spain.
Ready for Revolution : The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938. [Book Review] A review of Agustin Guillamon's "Ready for Revolution" on the Spanish anarchist defence committees, assessing its relevance to today's revolutionaries.
The CNT in the Spanish revolution, volume 2 Second volume of José Peirats' extensive work on the Spanish anarchist union the CNT, which in this volume focuses on the battles raging at both…
Spanish Marxism vs Soviet Communism: A History of the P.O.U.M. in the Spanish Civil War - Victor Alba Spanish Marxism Versus Soviet Communism is the first historical study of the P.O.U…
Buenaventura Durruti interview - Pierre van Paassen Supposed interview between Buenaventura Durruti and Pierre van Paassen of the Toronto Star during the Spanish civil war.
Anarchist organisation: the history of the FAI The first book-length history of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) from 1927 until it was repressed at the end of the Spanish Civil War in…
Problems of syndicalism and anarchism – Juan Peiró A pamphlet first published in 1930 composed of a series of articles by Juan Peiró—anarchist glass worker, twice National Secretary of the CNT, …
Hope that a united CNT-AIT of
Hope that a united CNT-AIT of tens of thousands of members, with active unions and socials would again take hold in Spain.