Libro en la origino de la familo kaj klaso socio kun privata posedaĵo. Skribita per Fredericko Engelso en 1884. Copied to clipboard Attachments engelso-origino.pdf (880.11 KB) Marxism Friedrich Engels family Esperanto PDF Comments
The origin of the family, private property and the state - Frederick Engels Engels' 1884 book focusing on early human history, following the disintegration of the primitive community and the emergence of a class society based on private property. Engels looks into the origin and essence of the state, and concludes it is bound to wither away leaving a classless society.
Wage-labour and capital - Karl Marx - audiobook Orignally written as a series of newspaper articles in 1847, Wage-Labour and Capital was intended to give a short overview, for popular…
The guignol in history - Amadeo Bordiga In this 1953 article from the “Thread of Time” series, Amadeo Bordiga addresses the role of the great man or “man of destiny” in history, whose…
Salajro, prezo kaj profito: Karlo Markso Parolado per Karlo Markso al la Internacia Asocio de Laboristoj en Junio 1865.
Pages of Socialist History: Teachings and Acts of Social Democracy - Warlaam Tcherkesoff In this book published in 1902, anarchist-communist Warlaam Tcherkesoff, a fervent…
Dunglaboro kaj Kapitalo: Karlo Markso Artikolo pri la rilato inter laboro kaj kapitolo en klaso socio.