Black Star: an anarchist review Vol 1 #04 1976 Including: international news, the interpersonal as revolution, intellectuals in a free society, Des Moines anarchist conference, decline of the…
Empty Cribs - John Barker An article on how the forces of Hierarchy&Capital run into contradictions and become furious that they cannot command the right kind of women to…
Family Abolition: Capitalism and the Communizing of Care - M. E. O'Brien A revolutionary rebuttal of the family under capitalism by M. E. O'Brien. Published in 2023.
Anarchy #30 1980 Including: riots (LA, Detroit, Southall, Bristol), two articles on motherhood by Charlotte Baggins, letters, prison struggles, full employment funnies cartoon, Electro Convulsive Therapy,…
Quick positive comments on Abolish the Family by Sophie Lewis I wanted to give some positive feedback on this book and a bit of a nod to the broader wave of…
Marx on gender and the family: a critical study - Heather A. Brown This, the first book-length study devoted exclusively to Marx’s perspectives on gender and the…
La origino de la familio, de la privata proprieto kaj de la ŝtato: Fredericko Engelso Libro en la origino de la familo kaj klaso socio kun privata posedaĵo. Skribita per Fredericko…
Crisis of family and friends: Working class experiences from west London In warehouses, factories and other low-paid workplaces in west London we’ve had various…
The origin of the family, private property and the state - Frederick Engels Engels' 1884 book focusing on early human history, following the disintegration of the primitive community and the emergence of a class society based on private property. Engels looks into the origin and essence of the state, and concludes it is bound to wither away leaving a classless society.