Teachers in Newham, east London, are on strike over management bullying and workload issues.

Teachers at the 1,900-pupil Langdon School were out for three days last week for the second week in a row and are intending to strike three days every week until issues of workload and management bullying are dealt with. It was sparked after a union survey revealed many workers unhappy with the relatively new headteacher Dr Manuzah Tabassum's management style.
After an 86% vote for strike action on an 80% turnout, staff are reported to be solid, with around 70 on strike. Despite management and Labour local authority bringing in hoards of agency staff to scab, it appears the strikes are growing - with two picket-crossers eventually joining the strike.
They're now attempting to spread the strike:
'We've had speakers out at ten meetings in London schools and associations this week. Messages of support continue to come in and we're now getting a lot of donations to the strike fund. The school continues to bring in supply teachers to break the strike, however, and our classes are going on in some fashion when we're on strike.
The main development of the week was the intervention of the LA in a somewhat more constructive manner. Under pressure from parents especially, the LA met the union this Tuesday and they agreed to draw up a joint statement designed to lead to a suspension of the strikes. However, we were very disappointed with it, feeling that it moved us only slightly forward on the workload issues and not really addressing the question of bullying management in a serious way. We had a long discussion with our union officials in the strikers' meeting and voted nem con not to suspend the strikes. We made a number of suggestions for negotiations and our officials are returning to the LA with these at the moment.'
The school's NUT reps report that they've received over £1000 in donations to the strike fund last week and that they're making links with locals by leafletting "10,000 houses in the three wards nearest the school to build support in the community. This is our main focus in the next few days, then we are due to strike again on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday."
Management bullying and oppressive workloads are rife in schools, particularly in this poisonous climate of competition, league tables, and churning out the next generation of workplace fodder. This is often compounded by a new headteacher attempting to assert their authority. In this instance it's typified by telling workers if they don't like it, they should look for another job.
It's inspiring to see people fighting back, and it would be amazing if the calls to spread these strikes borough-wide come to fruition.
Victory to the Langdon School teachers!
[edit - figures and dates clarified thanks to JasonCortez]
Hey do you know what days
Hey do you know what days they're out this week?
From what I heard, Tue, Wed,
From what I heard, Tue, Wed, Thurs. Will double check.
Surely this week was the
Surely this week was the second three day strike over the last two weeks? And the first link in OP is about an earlier strike in July? The agency staff have been put on short term contracts, to get around legitslation that prohibits using agency workers as scabs to break the strike. The employment of these scabs on contract has to be agreed by the Local Authority this means that the strikers are also in dispute with the Local Authority and can legitimately call out other schools (as this also affects them)in the borough even under the anti-union laws. Students had come out in support, sixth formers ( I think) joining the picket line and issuing a statement in support. They were herded in to the school by the head and forced to recant everything in front of the rest of the school. This has outraged many parents and helped galvanise support. This is a a serious 'marker' strike for the future and one we need to win.
http://www.ipswichnut.org/2011/12/langdon-school-union-busting.html More up to date link
Cheers for the clarification
Cheers for the clarification Jason!
Just had it confirmed to me
Just had it confirmed to me that the strike days are Tues, Wed, Thurs this week.
I know some London people
I know some London people have been to visit and know a bit more, but didn't want to leave this thread hanging!
The strikes have been suspended since Wed 14th after a Tues strike meeting vote, as 'new measures' are being brought to address grievances apparently.
But more strikes will be called if there is no improvement.