Brendan Cooney explains the Law of Value in an excellent ten part video series Copied to clipboard Introduction The fetishism of commodities Das MudPie Use-value, exchange value, value Contradiction Socially Necessary Labor Time Production and exchange Subject/Object Abstract labor Price and value Book traversal links for Law of Value: the series Introduction Printer-friendly version capitalism Brendan Cooney Comments
The separation of the economic and the political in capitalism - Ellen Meiskins Wood Ellen Meiskins Wood analyses the extent to which capitalism can be separated into political (state)…
Negative and positive visions, full communism, and boats A piece on future visions of communism and whether 'blueprints' are beneficial.
Is capitalism a market society? German libertarian communist group Wildcat examine if capitalism is really a market society.
City air: the end of freedom in the generalization of urban space - Miguel Amorós A brief examination of urbanism and urban development as tools of capitalist social control and…
The development of class struggle in Egypt - Lafif Lakhdar In-depth analysis of the development of capitalism and class struggle in Egypt, from the 1940s until…
Credit unto Death - Anselm Jappe Anselm Jappe reflects on the significance of the ongoing crisis of commodity production and the reactions of mainstream commentators, the…