Living the Dream in 2019

Everyone's fav suburban dads of anti-capitalism are back and in our latest podcast we try to get a handle on what happened in 2018 and where we are going in 2019 - from The Word From Struggle Street blog

Submitted by With Sober Senses on January 8, 2019

2019! Wooooo! In this episode of Living The Dream Jon (@jonpiccini) and Dave (@withsobersenses) take off the party-hats, pick the streamers from their shoulders of their tuxedo jackets, set aside the Champagne flutes and have a chat about what 2018 was all about what we think is going to happen in 2019. Climate Change, fascism, #libspill, disaster communism, power prices, radical social democracy, #changetherules, #metoo, book recommendations and angry clowns air boxing whilst riding unicycles – this episode has it all!

Listen here

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Stuff we mention includes:

2.0? : Racist assembly @ St Kilda Beach, Saturday, January 5, 2019

Kieran’s Review

Stephen Wertheim – Return
of the Neocons

Keir Milburn and Bertie Russell - What
can an institution do? Towards Public-Common partnerships and a new

Cinzia Arruzza - From
Women’s Strikes to a New Class Movement: The Third Feminist Wave

Endnotes – The
Holding Pattern

Salvage Editorial Collective - Salvage
Perspectives #6: Evidence of Things Not Seen

Out of the Woods - The Uses of Disaster

The Dig - The
Green New Deal with Kate Aronoff

Madeline Lane-McKinley - #MeToo From Below

going on with Change the Rules? A report from the Melbourne Delegates Meeting
25th September

You Can Count On – a secure work future for Australia


Class War
#73 Class War is Dead…Lone Live the Class War

Universalism Debate

Music by Tom Waits



5 years 6 months ago

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Submitted by Garymosley on January 19, 2019

Hey, thanks for the information. Great episode.