Reg Theriault's classic Singlejack Little Book, "Longshoring on the San Francisco Waterfront" (1978). Copied to clipboard Attachments Theriault_LSWF.pdf (14.29 MB) Stan Weir Comments
On workplace organisation - Red and Black Notes A look at the exchange between Stan Weir and Sam Friedman on workplace organisation. The following article, which has been slightly edited for…
Rediscovering Two Labor Intellectuals - Steve Early Steve Early reviews collections of writings by Martin Glaberman and Stain Weir, while tying their experience and outlook to the emerging split within the AFL-CIO in 2004.
Effects of automation in the lives of longshoremen This chapter in Stan Weir's Singlejack Solidarity tells the history of how, from the victory in the 1934 General Strike through the first…
The Grievance - Martin Glaberman Martin Glaberman's chapbook 'The Grievance'. This was published as a 'little book' on Stan Weir's Singlejack press in 1980.
Militant as hell on the waterfront: The political thought of Stan Weir New Beginnings looks at the life of workplace militant and writer, Stan Weir.
Singlejack solidarity - Stan Weir Collection of writings by Stan Weir, a socialist who worked as a seaman, teamster, longshoreman, house painter, and auto assembler (among other…