Manchester Class Struggle Forum #3 - National Liberation and Internationalism

The third Manchester Class Struggle Forum will host a discussion on national liberation and internationalism, with a lead off from the World Revolution group.

Submitted by Manchester Cla… on April 14, 2010

From the IRA, MPLA and the Viet Minh, to Hezbollah, Hamas and the Tamil Tigers. All these anti-working class groups received support from a number of leftist in the 20th and 21st Centuries. This is not a new phenomenon, at the outbreak of the First World War all members of the 'Second International' apart from The Bolsheviks lined up in support of their respective national bourgeoisie, some anarchists supported the allies as well.

Is it right for communists to support national liberation struggles, however critically? Did not Marx and Engels support national liberation? Was it ever correct historically to support national liberation?

Please come and discuss the national question with us.

To best prepare yourself for the debate we suggest you read the following two pamphlets.

Nation or Class by the ICC -

Against Nationalism by AF -

If you would like to read more, Lenin and Luxemburg famously exchanged polemics on this matter.

Lenin: The Right of Nations to Self-Determination (1914)

Luxemburg: The National Question (1909)

The meeting will take place from 7-9pm on Thursday the 29th of April at Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS. Email [email protected] to express your interest or ask for more info



14 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Kronstadt_Kid on April 28, 2010



14 years 2 months ago

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Submitted by Android on May 10, 2010

Audio recording of lead off presentation by a member of WR/ICC: