Muntjac: Anarchism Decolonised - Issue 1 - Community Self Defense Against Fascism & The State

Front cover of the magazine it depicts south asian youth fighting the police in harehills in 2001

A magazine (two zines sold together) by a collective of racialized anarchists in the UK & elsewhere.

The essays are on a variety of topics;

Sunwo “on the forgotten so called race riot” – Sunwo speaks on the 1958 nottingham pogroms and the resistance against it.

Micelio speaks on the union and the revolutionary potential that worker-led, independent communal unions hold

Marion Koshy writes about their entry and experience in the Houston Socialist Rifle Association, and what we collectively can learn from the SRA.

Simoun Magdalen charts a postcolonial anarchism that practices decoloniality without appropriating from indigenous peoples in the Philippines.

A Harrow Antifascist recounts Asian and Black community defence during the UK August race pogroms

Zhacev calls for a rejection of any attempt to demonise or ostracise militant radicals

p.n writes about their experience in a creative residency and the importance of artists being principled (and fiercely anti-zionist).

Ektin Ekdo asks an important question; are we fighting to be part of british society of to destroy it?

naga discusses the reactionary strains of politics that undergird community self-defence around the identities of East and South East Asians in Britain

Sunwo writes against black britishness as an identity, rather searching for a borderless revolutionary blackness.

Submitted by muttworks on December 14, 2024

The group use the term 4th world, which means "Subpopulations existing in a First World country, but with the
living standards of those in a third world, or developing country.”

For a more elaborate explanation, see the last essay in the last part of the zine or mabye this peice below;

