The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 6 No. 6 - 3 May 1919) Including: Hungarian revolution, "how the rulers of England are strangling the Russian revolution", Karl Radek on the dictatorship of the…
An Epitaph for the October Revolution? 2017 will no doubt see a flood of publications to commemorate the centenary of the Russian Revolution. There will be those who insist that the…
Radek on the International Situation in Spring 1918 This is the second in our series of translations from the review Kommunist via the French version published by the Collectif d’édition smolny …
Radek on the “Defeat” of Brest-Litovsk With this translation we begin the second volume of our series of translations from the review Kommunist, using the French version published by…
Radek - Herman Gorter Article by Herman Gorter on Karl Radek in 'De Kommunistische Arbeider [Amsterdam], Jrg. 1, no. 9, March 1922' transcribed and translated by Stijn…