New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970

New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970
New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970

New Statesman Adverts 1969-1970 by a SPGB member L. E. Weidberg addressing Bertrand Russell, A. J. P. Taylor, Biafra etc.

Submitted by jondwhite on May 10, 2017



7 years 9 months ago

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Submitted by Spikymike on May 11, 2017

Perhaps should mention that this capitalist member of the SPGB at that time, whilst well meaning in these efforts, caused some justifiable irritation and censor from the SPGB by seeking to subvert their democratic function using the financial resources at his personal disposal to skew the direction of their activities.