The November 1919 issue of The One Big Union Monthly, a publication of the Industrial Workers of the World.

-$1,000,000 for bond, $100,000 for defense
-Riots and race wars, lynching and massacres, military law, terrorism and giant strikes
-The collapse of capitalism
-Industrial franchise, industrial representation, industrial administration are the elements of industrial democracy and industrial communism
-Politics by B.E. Nilsson
-Time by Harry Lloyd
-Twelve thousand miles away by Covington Ami
-In 'no man's land' by Covington Ami.
-Freedom by Raymond Corder
-The truth about the steel strike by Harold Lord Varney
-The signifigance of Gary by Anne Gallagher
-The war against Gompersism in Mexico by Linn A.E. Gale
-The League of Nations and the Treaty of Peace by W.J. Lemon
-The metal miner----copper by Delegate M659
-The Railroad Workers Union by Card No. 301479, No. 600
-The life of a railroad trackman by A Trackman
-When Earth's last conflict is ended by Douglas Robson
-The cellmate by Raymond Corder
-The fundamental principles of the IWW by C.E. Payne
-The importation of ideas in the labor movement by John Sandgren
-The IWW needs an industrial encyclopedia by John Sandgren
-The story of the IWW by Harold Lord Varney
-The lumberjack by D.S. Diets
-The traffic flags by O.A. Kennedy
-A letter to the editor
-IWW in Mexico
-The German IWW paper
-Raising of the dues: the stand of Minneapolis
-Industrial union reports
Taken from CDs of JPG scans created by San Francisco General Membership Branch of the IWW
CDs provided courtesy of Nate Hawthorne/Twin Cities IWW Archives