The November 1925 issue of Open Vistas, a magazine that published poetry and reviews, as well as essays reflecting the editors' anarchist politics.

-Oriole by Rose Florence Freeman
-Great imagination and political life by Castelar
-Serrata by Israel Newman
-A faddist's diversions by Henry S. Salt
-"How lovely and fresh those roses were?" by Ivan Turgenev
-In Hell by Havelock Ellis
-A brave Parisian lad by Gustave Brocher
-The drama of life and death by Hippolyte Havel
-The stranger by Joseph Ishill
-Forerunners by Marguerite Tracy
-"The life of Olive Schreiner" by Rose Florence Freeman
-Excerpts from Castelar, Francisco Ferrer, A.E. Housman and Vasile Conta