280,000 civil servants will be consulted on a ballot for further strike action during August. This is likely to mean more strikes over public sector pay in the Autumn.

A consultation involving 280,000 members of PCS on the next steps of the union's campaign against civil and public service job cuts, below inflation pay and increasing privatisation, got under way today.
The campaign has already seen two one day national civil service wide strikes this year and members are now being asked how they want to escalate the campaign to put more pressure on the government and civil service management.
The consultation which runs to 3 September includes workplace meetings, face-to-face contact and a mailing to all members. Nothing is being ruled in or out of the campaign which could see further industrial action in the Autumn should there be no break through in talks.
"With services deteriorating due to cuts, this consultation is about finding out how dedicated civil and public servants want to escalate the union's campaign to put more pressure on the government and civil service management."
Following the consultation the union intends to ballot members on any proposals for further industrial action.
Commenting, Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary, said: "This will be the widest consultation in the union's history, giving members the chance to have their say on the next steps of the campaign against job cuts, below inflation pay and privatisation. The reward for hard working civil servants delivering key services with diminishing resources has been cuts, outsourcing and the prospect of below inflation pay leading to a pay cut in real terms. With services deteriorating due to cuts, this consultation is about finding out how dedicated civil and public servants want to escalate the union's campaign to put more pressure on the government and civil service management."