NEP-period marketplace. Lars T. Lih on Lenin, Bukharin and the new economic policy of the Bolsheviks. In PDF format. Copied to clipboard Attachments lars lih.pdf (268.19 KB) Russia state socialism Vladimir Lenin Lars T. Lih Russian Revolution 1917 PDF Comments
A look at Leninism - Ron Taber Published in 1988 this work by Ron Taber takes a critical look at Lenin and the early Bolshevik parties ideology dubbed "Leninism".
How Lenin led to Stalin - Workers Solidarity Movement Good short account of how the foundations of Stalinist terror were laid by the policies of Lenin and…
Leninism or Marxism - Rosa Luxemburg Leninism or Marxism was published as an article in 1904 under the title "Organisational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy" in Iskra and…
Factory committees in the Russian revolution - Rod Jones Alongside the Russian workers' attempts to create socialism -- not as some abstract far-off utopia…
Lenin's Terror within the Bolshevik Party - Maximov Anarchist Gregori Maximov's analysis of Lenin's repression of opposition factions within the Bolshevik Party during 1920-1921.
Bolshevik Razverstka and War Communism Lars T. Lih on the Bolshevik policies of war communism and what they meant for workers and peasants.