Politics (February 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014

Cover (page 1)
Comment (pp. 1-5)
Macdonald, Dwight. Why "POLITICS"? (pp. 6-8)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair). Stalin's policy in Europe (pp. 8-9)
Lasky, Melvin J.. "The Breadline and the Movies" (pp. 9-10)
Oakes, J. Walter. permanent Toward a War Economy? (pp. 11-17)
Goodman, Paul. The attempt to invent an American style (pp. 17-18)
Mead, William. The Montreal Police strike (p. 18)
The American Scene. A letter from Petersburg, Va.. (pp. 19-20)
Macdonald, Dwight. Popular Culture. A theory of "Popular Culture" (pp. 20-23)
Lynn, Conrad. Free and Equal. Original Brief in the Case Lynn (pp. 23-26)
Greenberg, Clement. Books. Napoleon III: an interpretation (p. 27)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Books. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time (pp. 27-28)
Mills, C. Wright. Books. Socialism and Ethics (p. 28)
Chase, Richard V.. Books. Our age of unreason (p. 28)
Symes, Lillian. Books. American political parties, their natural history (pp. 28-29)
Dirlam, Joel B.. Books. The financing of large corporations, 1920-1939 (p. 29)
Moore, Ely. Books. Union rights and union duties; Democracy in Trade Unions, to survey, with a program of action (pp. 29-30)
Periodicals. "Rousseau and totalitarianism" (p. 30)
Periodicals. Behavior in extreme situations; Problems of Interment Camps (p. 30)
Periodicals. "The Moral Front" (p. 30)
Periodicals. "The regimented economy and the future of Socialism" (pp. 30-31)
Periodicals. "The chinese draft constitution" (p. 31)
Periodicals. Negroes in a war industry: The case of shipbuilding; The black car worker (p. 31)
Periodicals. "The german people and the postwar world" (p. 31)
Periodicals. "Labor in the war - and after" (p. 31)
Notes on contributors (p. 32)

