Politics (March 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014

Cover (p. 33)
Macdonald, Dwight. Comment (pp. 33-37)
Bell, Daniel. coming to The tragedy of American labor (pp. 37-42)
Freidel, Frank. The new imperialism, I: the haitian pilot-plant (pp. 43-45)
Mayer, Milton. How to win the war (pp. 45-46)
Macdonald, Dwight. The revival of "political economy" (pp. 46-48)
Meyer, Peter. The Soviet Union: a new class society (pp. 48-55)
Melville, Herman. Modern texts. What Redburn Saw in Launcelott's-Hey (pp. 56-57)
Stampp, Kenneth M.. Free and Equal. Our historians on slavery (pp. 58-59)
Bazelon, David T.. Free and Equal. The Harlem riot: a study in mass frustration (p. 59)
Free and Equal. "The truth about the Detroit riot" (p. 59)
Free and Equal. "Jazz and Its forerunners as an example of acculturation" (p. 59)
Bazelon, David T.. Books. What to do with Germany (pp. 59-60)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Books. The American senate and world peace (p. 60)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. The new course; The struggle for the new course (p. 61)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. How to think about war and peace (p. 61)
Denton, John Henry. Books. The conscientious objector and the law (p. 61)
Goodman, Paul. Books. Liberal education (p. 62)
The intelligence office (pp. 62-63)
Greenberg, Clement. The intelligence office. Russia and european progress (pp. 63-64)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) The intelligence office. Russia and european progress (p. 64)
Notes on contributors (p. 64)

