Politics (July 1944)

Submitted by Ross Arctor on April 21, 2014


Cover (p. 161)
Comment. Allied policy in Europe (pp. 161-167)
De Angelis, J. Gabriel. Brewster The Shut-Down (pages 167-169)
Bloch, Werner; Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Under the Lid (pp. 169-170)
Tucci, Nicholas. tyrants of The War (pages 170-172)
Bazelon, David T.. ashes Green (pp. 172-177)
Calhoun, Don. The political relevance of conscientious objection; with a rejoinder by the Editor (pages 177-180)
Schuyler, George S.. Free and Equal. An American dilemma. The Negro problem and modern democracy (pp. 181-182)
Stampp, Kenneth M.. Rates. George Fitzhugh: propagandist of the old South; Henry W. Grady: spokesman of the new South (pages 182-183)
Wood, Laura. Rates. Caribbean laboratory; A note on the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act (p. 183)
Macdonald, Dwight. How "practical" is a racially segregated Army? (pp. 184-186)
Gould, Joe. Books. A guide for the bedevilled (p. 186)
Oakes, J. Walter. Books. Mobilization for abundance (p. 186)
Douglas, George. Books. The Republic (pp. 186-187)
Macdonald, Dwight. Books. Production, jobs and taxes (p. 188)
Coser, Lewis (Louis Clair.) Books. A short history of Russia (pages 188-189)
The intelligence office (pp. 189-192)
Orlansky, Harold. The intelligence office. "Hoodlums" and Pharisees (pp. 189-190)
Tillich, Paul. The intelligence office. Some answers from a committee (pages 190-191)
Contributors (p. 192)

