An essay about the AFL and how they handled dissidents. Copied to clipboard Originally appeared in Labor History Volume 35, Issue 2, 1994 Attachments Fones-Wolf E and Fones-Wolf - Rank-and-File Rebellions and AFL Interference in the Affairs of N.pdf (1.43 MB) United States AFL Elizabeth Fones-Wolf Ken Fones-Wolf PDF Comments
Cannery R.O.W.: The AFL, the IWW, and Bay Area Italian Cannery Workers - Elizabeth Reis A paper by Elizabeth Reis of a strike of mostly Italian cannery workers in San Francisco during the…
Racial conflict and racial solidarity in the Alabama coal strike of 1894: new evidence for the Gutman-Hill debate - Alex Lichtenstein Alex Lichtenstein looks at the issue of race in an Alabama coal strike.
The Homestead strike, 1892 An account of a militant strike of steel workers of the Carnegie company in the US defending their organisation and conditions against the bosses…
Industrial unionism in America - Marion Dutton Savage The main objects of this volume are to "describe the different industrial unions which are…
"We are all leaders": a symposium on a collection of essays dealing with alternative unionism in the early 1930s A collection of reviews and commentary on Staughton Lynd's book of 1930s labor history.
Rebel Girls and Union Maids: the woman question in the journals of the AFL and IWW, 1905-1920 An article by Ann Schofield which contrasts the differences and examines the…