Issue of The Raven from October 1988. As always with The Raven, we do not agree with all of it but reproduce it for reference. The article on anarchism and the selfish gene by the cretinous Peter Gibson is particularly terrible in this issue.

- Editorial - 97
- Illustrations for Kenneth Rexroth's Bestiary - Clifford Harper - 99
- Tradition and revolution - George Woodcock - 103
- The mystery of Dr Nathan-Ganz - Heiner Becker - 118
- Architecture for all - Brian Richardson - 146
- A conversation with Nellie Dick - John Pether - 155
- Anarchism and the selfish gene - Peter Gibson - 167
- Carlo Cafiero on action and communism - Nicolas Walter - 174
- Review: Questioning technology - Denis Pym - 187
- Illustrations between pages 129 and 136
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