The Raven #07 1989

Cover of The Raven issue 7 1989 showing the contents and a Kenneth Rexroth poem "The Scarecrow" illustrated by Clifford Harper

July 1989 issue of The Raven, including Colin Ward on (un)employment in the UK and Italy, Kropotkin as a historian of the French revolution, the Marquis de Sade, Nicolas Walter on Emma Goldman.

As ever, the contents of this issue are of variable quality and usefulness.


  • Illustrations from Kenneth Rexroth's Bestiary - Clifford Harper
  • A Few Italian Lessons - Colin Ward
  • Segmental Acephalous Network Systems - Harold Barclay
  • Kropotkin as Historian of the French Revolution - Heiner Becker
  • Emma Goldman's Disillusionment in Russia - Nicolas Walter
  • Sade and Sadism - Jean Raison [pseudonym of Nicolas Walter]1
  • Review of Joan Halperin's Félix Fénéon: Aesthete and Anarchist in Fin de Siècle Paris - George Woodcock
  • Review of Peter Marshall's William Blake: Visionary Anarchist - Peter Cadogan
  • Review of John Clark's The Anarchist Moment - Brian Morris
  • Anarchism and Nature 1 - Michael Duane
  • Anarchism and Nature 2 - David Morland


raven7.pdf (10.59 MB)
