The Raven #05 1988

An issue of The Raven journal from June 1988 covering various topics. Contents of extremely variable quality.

Includes an excellent article about Spies For Peace by Nicolas Walter.

Contents below.

Submitted by Fozzie on December 4, 2021


  • Editorial
  • Illustrations for Kenneth Rexroth's Bestiary - Clifford Harper
  • Raven: Prometheus Amongst The Indians - George Woodcock
  • Victor Neuberg: The Poet Among the Anarchists - Caroline Robinson
  • The Appalling State of Modern Architecture - Brian Richardson
  • Welcoming The Thinner City - Colin Ward
  • The Source of Anarchism - George Walford
  • Anarchism, Existentialism and Human Nature - L. Susan Brown
  • The Spies for Peace and After - Nicolas Walter [uncredited at the time]

Illustrations on pages 3-6, 10, 22, 29, 73-76, 89-90.


raven5-1988.pdf (17.82 MB)
