The Raven #10: On Education

Raven 10 cover featuring an illustration by John Watson showing some angry letter "R"s attacking a child.

An issue of the Raven journal dedicated to education. Published in 1990.

As usual, contents of variable quality.


  • Editorial
  • The Authoritarian Tradition in British Education - John Shotton
  • Kropotkin and Technical Education: an anarchist voice - Michael Smith
  • Education vs Schooling: The Case for Home Learning - Zoe Korycinska
  • No Dead Poet's Society Here - Paule Pym
  • Education or Processing - Lyn Olson
  • Intellectuals and the Industrialisation of Education - John R. Doheny
  • Four Easy Pieces and One Hard One - Colin Ward
  • Comment on The Raven 9 - Nicolas Walter
  • The Ending Century - Prospect and Retrospect - George Woodcock

