A generally poor edition of The Raven from July 1990. The article by Tom Jennings is good, as are the historical pieces by Gary Pattison and R.W. Jones. The rest is reproduced for reference only.

- Editorial
- Class, Power, and Class Consciousness - Johnny Yen
- Politics and the Class Struggle in the 1990s: Libertarian Theory - Tom Jennings
- Worker Worship - Camillo Berneri
- Class Politics: an exhausted myth - George Woodcock
- Class - Peter Neville
- Myself and the Working Class - Donald Rooum
- Anarchist Influences in the Durham Coalfield before 1914 - Gary Pattison
- Anti-Parliamentism and Communism in Britain 1917-1921 - R.W. Jones
- Social Thought and Ideology - Johnny Yen
- The Future (and past) of Anarcho-Communism: A Comment - Keith Flett
(7.77 MB)
"the self-taught ceases to…
"the self-taught ceases to be one of kind as soon as he succeeds in forming for himself a real culture. But in those circumstances his culture is no longer working class. A cultivated worker like Rudolf Rocker is like a black brought to Europe as a baby and bred by a cultivated family or college. The origin, like the skin colour, doesn't count. No-one would see in Rocker the former saddler. [...] So-called working class culture is, in short, a parasitic symbiosis of real culture, which is still bourgeois or half-bourgeois."
Perhaps forgiveable for Berneri to write this in the 1930s. Pretty weird for Freedom to republish it in 1990 with the barest of disclaimers in the editorial.