The Raven #29: World War Two

Cartoon by John Olday showing a load of Generals on top of tied up ordinary solidiers: "Who will come out on top?"

An issue of anarchist quarterly The Raven, published in 1995. Including historical and contemporary articles on World War Two.

Submitted by Fozzie on July 30, 2022


  • Introduction - Vernon Richards
  • For Democracy - Charles M. Sandwick

Section 1: Documents

  • Czechoslavakia: Workers will not fight to defend capitalist interests and prestige (1938)
  • We need our pacifists (1938) - Havelock Ellis
  • Petrol embargo by the workers can end wars (1938)
  • Workers! Oppose the massacre of fellow workers. Fight capitalism and not the German workers (1938)
  • French workers face facts (1938)
  • "God is with us" - "Gott mit uns!"
  • A war for democracy? An answer to our critics (1938)
  • National Service - Anarchist Federation of Britain (1938)
  • Refuse to support the coming war (1939)
  • Conscription: Cannon fodder to safeguard capitalist interests and British imperialism (1939)

Section 2: Recollections

  • On Being There in World War Two - Peter Cadogan
  • 'A splendid little war' - Arthur Moyse
  • Conscientious Objectors in World War Two - Derrick A. Pike
  • The Pacifist Movement - John Hewetson
  • The Awkward Question - Colin Ward
  • Witness for the prosecution - Colin Ward
  • Revived 45: Anarchists Against The Army - Philip Sansom
  • The Left in World War Two and After - Vernon Richards

Section 3: The Horrors of War

  • Ravensburg
  • Auschwitz
  • Dresden
  • Tokyo
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Woe unto the Defeated - Adrian Walker
  • The Cost of War - Adrian Walker

Section 4: Some Conclusions

  • The Myth of Benevolence - Milan Rai


TheRaven29.pdf (6.02 MB)
