An issue of anarchist quarterly The Raven, published in 1995. Including historical and contemporary articles on World War Two.

- Introduction - Vernon Richards
- For Democracy - Charles M. Sandwick
Section 1: Documents
- Czechoslavakia: Workers will not fight to defend capitalist interests and prestige (1938)
- We need our pacifists (1938) - Havelock Ellis
- Petrol embargo by the workers can end wars (1938)
- Workers! Oppose the massacre of fellow workers. Fight capitalism and not the German workers (1938)
- French workers face facts (1938)
- "God is with us" - "Gott mit uns!"
- A war for democracy? An answer to our critics (1938)
- National Service - Anarchist Federation of Britain (1938)
- Refuse to support the coming war (1939)
- Conscription: Cannon fodder to safeguard capitalist interests and British imperialism (1939)
Section 2: Recollections
- On Being There in World War Two - Peter Cadogan
- 'A splendid little war' - Arthur Moyse
- Conscientious Objectors in World War Two - Derrick A. Pike
- The Pacifist Movement - John Hewetson
- The Awkward Question - Colin Ward
- Witness for the prosecution - Colin Ward
- Revived 45: Anarchists Against The Army - Philip Sansom
- The Left in World War Two and After - Vernon Richards
Section 3: The Horrors of War
- Ravensburg
- Auschwitz
- Dresden
- Tokyo
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Woe unto the Defeated - Adrian Walker
- The Cost of War - Adrian Walker
Section 4: Some Conclusions
- The Myth of Benevolence - Milan Rai
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