The Raven #30: New Life To The Land?

Photograph of fields showing crops and grazing cattle.

1995 issue of the anarchist journal published by Freedom Press. Articles on land.

Submitted by Fozzie on August 6, 2022


  • Editor's introduction - Vernon Richards
  • Land Nationalisation - Freedom Editorial (1887)
  • The Open Fields System - Herbert Read
  • Land and Liberty in Mexico - Neil Birrell
  • Colonising Land: a two-part enquiry - Colin Ward
  • The end of the Kibbutz movement - Colin Ward
  • Land is my life - John Myhill
  • Allusions to Grandeur - Richard Boston
  • Comment on John Zerzan's critique of agriculture - Harold Barclay
  • Reclaiming the land - Harold Sculthorpe
  • Food production and population - Tony Gibson
  • Anarchism and Agriculture - George Woodcock
  • The Land - Errico Malatesta
  • Comment on Raven #28 - Nicolas Walter
  • Comment on Raven #29 - Steve Cullen


Raven30.pdf (6.25 MB)
