Some images/agit-prop scanned in from old copies (1980s) of Australian anarcho-syndicalist paper Rebel Worker. Author Rebel Worker (Australia) Copied to clipboard Australia Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation Comments
Curlewis, Richard, 1917-2002 A biography of Australian advocate of workers' control, Richard Curlewis.
Starbucks protest graphics and flyers, 2008 Graphics for a flyer created in 2008, Australia. On 24 April 2008, Starbucks fired barista Monica in Sevilla, Spain, for her activity on behalf…
Anarcho-syndicalism in Melbourne and Sydney - Conal Thwaite Thesis attempting to explain the origins of anarcho-syndicalism in Australia by the late 1980s.
English language discussion bulletin #01 The english language discussion bulletin of the IWA for the year 1988. Courtesy of the WSA archives.
Melbourne tram dispute and lockout 1990 - anarcho-syndicalism in practice The history of the January-February 1990 tramways dispute in Melbourne, Australia which saw…
Aims, principles and statutes - Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation Aims and principles of Australian anarcho-syndicalist group and International Workers' Association member, ASF.