Report on Nazi military survivalist camps in Poland

A look at the military camps in southern Poland organised by the far right, which were recently responsible for the murder of two students.

Submitted by Black Adder on July 28, 2012

The most dramatic result of the existence of such camps, is the death of two students from Wrocław: Anna Kembrowska and Robert Odżga. These two people went for a trip to Góry Stołowe. They left their home town on the 15th of August 1997 and were going to with other students who had organized their camp. After two days, contact with them was lost. In reaction, friends and family informed the police.

Later on, both of them were found dead in the territory of the National Park. Robert was shot dead to the back of the head. Anna died from a shot between the eyes. Police claimed that they were killed from different weapons at the same moment (thus suggesting multiple criminals were involved). As detective Janusz Bartkiewicz said - "there was no doubt that they were killed by professionals".

Although this case remained an unsolved mystery for quite some time, Bartkiewicz did not give up. Over the next three years, he and his colleagues discovered that at the same time and place where the two people mentioned lost their lives, there was a survival camp being established. The investigation has shown that The camp was full of neonazi activists associated with Blood & Honour from the UK, Poland, France, Russia, Slovakia and Italy. That very survival camp had a long history, being organized there annually for many years.

What’s more, just after Anna and Robert were killed, neonazis fled from the Góry Stołowe. They came back after three years, when the investigation was stopped by Barkiewicz’s superiors. However, he was in fact, close to catching a little group from Pomerania possibly involved in the act of murder.

Meanwhile, the Polish government protected their villains. The situation was dramatic so even if police officers and the whole of society wanted to see the murderers (who killed innocents just to celebrate anniversaries of Rudolf Hess death 17th of August, the date of murder) caught, the state chose to continue to protect its orderliness thus keeping the illusion of the rule of law alive.

German neonazis and their fifth column

Manuel “Pistol” Bauer tells us about what goes on in the camps in Poland. A German neonazi sentenced for setting on fire Turkish kebab shops. He says that in such camps they do both physical training and political indoctrination. He also says that information publicised about the camps or "concerts" are also smokescreens for their far more dangerous activism they do at the same time.

Some Polish neonazis help their German comrades in producing propaganda which is illegal in Germany. Deutsche Stimme, newspaper of NPD is printed in Zielona Góra, the capital of Lubuskie Province.

Lubuskie and Lower Silesian are the two provinces where National Rebirth of Poland is active. This fascist organisation belongs to the European National Front along with the NPD. It is almost certain that National Rebirth of Poland activists are responsible for printing NPD newspapers.

They do not care that their comrades attack Polish people in Germany and call them “criminalists”.

Camp of Polish Breiviks

Fortunately the National Rebirth of Poland nowadays is too weak to organize far right militias. But other neonazi groups continue to run similar camps and training programs in there place. The men in the photo are Autonome Nationalists and members of the National Radical Camp.

The camp was not organized via conspiracy. The photo was stolen from the facebook fanpage of the last edition of military camp called “Survive to Win”. Today Fascists show themselves as a group of "Polish Patriots" who are going to protect their fatherland. They train before the next demonstration against gays, feminists, leftists. Everything in a country where Blood & Honour kills. Everything in democratic country.

After all the physical exercises Polish Patriots who publicly deny all accusations of Fascism held some kind of cultural activity – a Nordica concert.

Nordica (former name Agressiva 88) is one of the strongest nazi rock bands in Poland associated with Blood & Honour. Their best known songs are: Proud of the Overhuman, National Socialists and White Whore of a Nigger.

All organizations mentioned in this article except Blood & Honour are going to organize marches to “celebrate” Warsaw Rising against Hitler. The first demonstrations organized by National Rebirth of Poland and Autonome Nationalists takes place in Chełmża a few days before the anniversary of Warsaw Rising. The second one organized by the Mazovian group of the National Radical Camp takes place on the 1st of August.

They are growing more active and are using all the anniversaries they can as a platform to proclaim their xenophobia and sick ideology.


Black Adder

12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Black Adder on July 28, 2012

Sory for mistake. I did not write the year of the murder. It was not recently but in 1997. The camp from which the photo is, is another event which took place this year but also organized by nazi group. Can somebody correct it?

Joseph Kay

12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Joseph Kay on July 30, 2012

if you edit the post yourself, a mod will approve the edit

Black Adder

12 years 7 months ago

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Submitted by Black Adder on August 10, 2012 - the police officer seems to still visit the place they were murdered...