A work by Anton Pannekoek from 1907 translated from Dutch Author Anton Pannekoek Copied to clipboard Attachments Revolutions in the Future State - Anton Pannekoek.pdf (184.52 KB) Anton Pannekoek Comments
State Capitalism and Dictatorship - Pannekoek On the limits of state capitalism as a strategy for the ruling class.
Why past revolutionary movements have failed Anton Pannekoek, from "Living Marxism" Vol. 5, # 2 - Fall 1940.
The Politics of Gorter - Pannekoek Anton Pannekoek responds in 1952 to criticisms of the politics of his late comrade Herman Gorter.
Materialism and historical materialism - Anton Pannekoek Anton Pannekoek writes as J. Harper on Marxism, historical materialism and materialism in 1942.
Gorter’s Open Letter: the details - Serge Bricianer Serge Bricianer on German left communist Herman Gorter's 'Open letter to comrade Lenin, A reply to “left-wing” communism, an infantile disorder'.
Reply to Castoriadis - Pannekoek Pannekoek's final response to Castoriadis's letter in Socialisme ou Barbarie, translated by Asad Haider and Salar Mohandesi for Viewpoint…