Samir Amin responds in October 2013 to Mohammed Ja'far's critique of his view on the formation of Arab nations. Copied to clipboard Attachments Mohammad Jafar brief comment SA.pdf (129.15 KB) nationalism Mohammed Ja'far Samir Amin PDF Comments
National formation in the Arab region: a critique of Samir Amin - Mohammad Ja'far Text criticising Samir Amin's view on the formation of Arab nations, analysing from a Marxist…
The Only Hope of Ireland - Alexander Berkman Alexander Berkman's response to the treatment of those involved in the Easter Rising, from an issue of his newspaper The Blast.
The cotton pickers - B. Traven B Traven's novel about migrant labourers, poverty, crappy jobs, and the occasional successful strike... Set in 1920s Mexico. Here presented in…
Impossible reconciliation: The contradictions of labor Zionism A piece written as a university dissertation. I don't claim it's reliably academic material, but I…
“The Ku Klux Government”: Vigilantism, lynching, and the repression of the IWW Michael Cohen's journal article on the extra-parliamentary repression of the IWW that ran parallel…
Connollism – Solidarity A review in Solidarity for Workers' Power vol. 7, no. 11 of James Connolly: Selected Writings edited by P. Berresford Ellis and published by…