Wu Ming's book presenting the radical preacher Thomas Müntzer and the German peasants' revolt. Copied to clipboard Attachments Thomas Muntzer - Sermon To The Princes.pdf (5.35 MB) Wu Ming Foundation PDF Comments
54 - Wu Ming 1954. Hollywood actors, cold warriors, mobsters, drug dealers and homing pigeons. What will Yugoslavian president Tito do, now that Joe Stalin is dead? What is the hidden link between Lucky…
Manituana - Wu Ming Fantastically researched historical fiction about the Iroquois, a group of native American tribes who side with the British during the American…
Q - Luther Blissett Set in the time of tremendous religious and political upheaval caused by the Reformation in Europe, Q begins with Luther nailing his 95 theses on…
The story of our origins - Gilles Dauvé Dauve traces the emergence of the ultra-left current in the aftermath of WWI and the failure of the Russian and German Revolutions.
The Workers' Dreadnought (Vol. 5 No. 29 - 12 October 1918) Including: news from Russia, Sylvia Pankhurst on WW1 peace negotiations, Walton Newbold on the…