Sole issue of the journal of the American section of the Situationist International, published June 1969.

Mail: P.O. Box 419, Cooper Station, New York N.Y. 10003
Editorial Committee: Robert Chasse, Bruce Elwell, Jonathan Horelick, Tony Verlaan.
Anticopyright: texts may be used accordingly
- Faces of Recuperation
- Certain Extraordinary Considerations Contributing to the Understanding of the Devolution of Capitalism and Bureaucratization of Existence - Chasse
- Territorial Management - Debord
- And Population Control
The Practice of Theory:
- The Situationist International
- Council for the Liberation of Daily Life
- Our Game in May
- May-June
- Some of the Graffiti
- Cohn-Bendit as Representation
- Faithful Dissimulation
- Epitaph to Bookchinism
- The Who's Who of the Ministars of the Minispectacle (selected listing)
- Opposition Falsified
- And Opposition Rediscovered
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