10th issue of the London Solidarity Journal. Contents below. PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest Archive, Nottingham. Copied to clipboard Contents The First 25 Years of Solidarity Community Warning - Andy Brown on the Brixton Riots The Ugly Social Consequences of Elegantly Simple Formulae - Petr Cerny on intelligence testing Book Review: Metcalf & Humphries - The Sexuality of Men Book Review: Ken Weller - Don't Be A Soldier! Book Review: Edward Thompson - The Heavy Dancers Book Review:: Ben and Edward Thompson - Star Wars: Self Destruct Incorporated Letters - fundamentalism, Communist Party, Foucault Attachments sol10_compressed.pdf (6.4 MB) Book traversal links for Solidarity Journal #10 Winter 1985/6 Solidarity Journal #9 Autumn 1985 Up Solidarity Journal #11 Spring 1986 Printer-friendly version Solidarity 1980s United Kingdom PDF Comments
Solidarity Journal #20 Spring 1989 Issue of Solidarity: a journal of libertarian socialism from spring 1989 with articles about the decline of the nuclear disarmament movement, the…
Solidarity Journal #13 Winter 1986/7 13th issue of the 1980s London Solidarity Journal, including interviews with Class War and Ian Bone. PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest Archive,…
Solidarity Journal #19 Winter 1988/89 19th issue of the 1980s London Solidarity Journal, including articles on Russia, Perestroika and the Labour Party. PDF courtesy of Sparrows Nest…
Solidarity Journal #21 Autumn 1989 Issue of Solidarity: a journal of libertarian socialism from autumn 1989 with articles on Salman Rushdie, Leninist vanguardism and more.
Solidarity Journal #8 Summer 1985 8th issue of the Journal of the London Solidarity Group. PDF courtesy of Sparrow Nest Archive, Nottingham.
Solidarity Journal #22/23 Winter 1989/90 Double issue of the London Solidariy Journal from the 1980s-90s. Articles include Tianamen Square and the 350 British solidiers executed by…