Part of the seventh issue of libertarian socialist journal, Solidarity. Copied to clipboard Attachments solidarity-vol1-n07.pdf (4.09 MB) Kronstadt '21 - Victor Serge Book traversal links for Solidarity for workers' power #1.07 Agitator for workers' power #1.06 Up Kronstadt '21 - Victor Serge Printer-friendly version PDF Comments
Wildcat Spain encounters democracy, 1976-1978 - Los Incontrolados A fascinating set of documents from and about the workers assembly movement which swept Spain as…
2010: Pearl Continental Workers Sit In Strike An eight year dispute between hotel management and its employees union came to ahead in February 2010 when police repression prompted a sit down…
Stirner, Feurbach, Marx and the Young Hegelians - David McLellan A summary of Stirner's ideas and their strong impact on his fellow Young Hegelians. McLellan asserts…
1977-80: Gay Activists Boycott Orange Juice A rather strange chapter in history, Miami Dade county passed an ordinance banning discrimination against homosexuals in housing or employment,…
1989-1990: Opposition to the Poll Tax A short account of the agitation against the introduction of the community charge in Britain. Widespread protests and a highly successful…
1600: Iroquois Women Gain Power to Veto War Account of the struggle of Iroquois women to stop frequent tribal conflict, by refusing sex and agricultural cultivation.