Author Martin Glaberman Copied to clipboard Attachments SpeakOut.pdf (14.57 MB) Martin Glaberman Detroit League of Revolutionary Black Workers George Rawick Charles Denby Comments
The workers have to deal with their own reality and that transforms them Based on his experience in auto factories, Glaberman discusses the contradictions of the union's…
The Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement - Martin Glaberman Martin Glaberman's analysis on the formation of the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement, a radical…
Black cats, white cats, wildcats: Auto workers in Detroit, 1969 Introductory article and account of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers and its activity in…
Young Detroit radicals 1955-1965 - Dan Georgakas Dan Georgakas's personal recollections of radicals in Detroit and the people who formed the League…
New Introduction to Facing Reality 1970 - Kimathi Mohammed New introduction to 1970 Edition of CLR James's Facing Reality by Kimathi Mohammed. James…
Dying from the inside: The decline of the League of Revolutionary Black Workers A key account of the organizational issues of the LRBW, by Ernie Allen. From the book, They Should…